Research centres represented in Ercom

The Rényi Institite was founded in 1950, as member of the chain of institutes of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences. It got its name in 1996 from his first and founding director, Alfréd Rényi (1921-1970). Since 2019 the institute belongs to the Eotvos Loránd Research Network (ELKH).
Presently the institute has around 150 employees, out of which 120 reasearchers, including 60 tenure faculty. The researchers are divided into departments, covering all major fields of mathematics. Researchers of the institute were awarded by 11 ERC grants, and two members of the Institute won the Abel prize (Endre Szemerédi in 2012 and László Lovász in 2021).
In the newly founded Erdos Center (under the auspices of the Rényi Institute) starting 2022 thematic semesters, Summer Schools, workshops and conferences will be organized.

From the moment of its establishment in 1973, Banach Center has been a part of the Institute of Mathematics of the Polish Academy of Sciences (IMPAN), headed by the Director of the Institute (or by one of the Director’s deputies), together with the International Scientific Council of the Banach Center. The mentioned Council determines the scientific program of the Center.
The aim of the Banach Center has always been promotion and stimulation of international cooperation in mathematics. Banach Center is open to all mathematicians from all over the world to organize scientific meetings. 
Main forms of BC activities include:
  • Conferences, (usually one week – long), with at least 25 participants.
  • Workshops, (usually one week - two weeks long), 10 – 25 participants.
  • Research groups, 2 - 10 participants.
  • Banach Center Publications- proceedings of selected BC conferences and semesters
Above scientific activities can take place in Warsaw (at IMPAN) or at our Mathematical Research and Conference Center in Będlewo.
IMPAN itself is a leading Polish mathematical research institute established in 1948 and employing almost 100 researchers (including postdocs, long term and permanent faculty). It is mainly based in Warsaw, but has also branches in Wrocław, Kraków, Sopot, Poznań and Katowice.

Located in the heart of Bilbao, BCAM is a world-leading interdisciplinary research centre in the field of Applied Mathematics, established in 2008 as a Basque Centre of Excellence (BERC). Its focus is on interdisciplinary research in mathematics, as well as on training and attracting scientific talent and promoting scientific and technological advances worldwide. The centre has been awarded the Severo Ochoa distinction three times (2013, 2018, and 2021), solidifying BCAM as one of the most important institutions in its field in Europe. Currently, BCAM employs over 190 researchers from 36 countries.
BCAM's partners are Ikerbasque, Bilbao City Council, Innobasque, University of the Basque Country/Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatea (UPV/EHU), the Provincial Council of Bizkaia, and Petronor Innovación S.L.
A Scientific Advisory Committee (SAC) composed of international highly reputed scientists and led until 2020 by Prof. M. J. Esteban and currently by Professor David Lannes from the Institut de Mathématiques de Bordeaux, which meets at BCAM yearly, is actively participating in shaping the Strategy and Scientific Plan of the Centre, together with BCAM Scientific Director. The Scientific Director, UPV/EHU, Jose A. Lozano, leads the internal co-ordination of the scientific activity and the external representation of the Centre.
BCAM research objectives have been structured in the following Scientific Platforms:
  • Core in Applied Mathematics: Fourier Analysis, Algebraic Geometry, Discrete Mathematics, Probability and Statistics, Partial Differential Equations, Quantum Theory and Foundations of Artificial Intelligence.
  • Modelling, Simulation and Computational Mathematics: Numerical Analysis, Computer Simulations, Mathematical Modelling and Algorithm Development. This is done with deterministic and stochastic methods and software targeting High-Performance Computing (HPC) architectures.
  • Applications of Mathematics to Health, Biosciences, Energy, Sports Industry, Advanced Manufacturing and other applications (Finance, Insurance, Telecommunications, Social Sciences, etc.).
The Centre also has an administrative staff team headed by the General Manager Lorea Gómez, which currently includes Project Managers, an Outreach Manager, Management and Administrative Assistants and an IT Department. The main task of this team is to support the research activities, and to contribute to the development of the best atmosphere for researchers to yield innovative research.

  • Homepage:
  • Scientific Director: Martin Hairer
  • Deputy Scientific Directors: Emmanuel Abbé (Executive Committee Member), Ola Nils Anders Svensson (Executive Committee Member), Philippe Michel (Deputy Director), João Miguel Penedones (Executive Committee Member), Maryna Viazovska (Executive Committee Member)
  • Administrative Contact: Christiane Maillard & Eliane Rasch
  • Contact for ERCOM related topics: contact by email
The Bernoulli Center for Fundamental Studies’ mission is to advance fundamental research in an interactive environment by building on three pillars:
  1. Long-term/external scientific programs for which global experts are invited to visit the center and work on selected topics for extended periods of time.
  2. Short-term/internal scientific programs that promote the collaboration of researchers at EPFL and nearby institutions with periodic events and workshops.
  3. Youth at Bernoulli, a program comprising advanced classes for high-school students, a Bernoulli Competition in mathematics for bachelor students in Switzerland and public lectures.

The mission statement of the Centre de Recerca Matemàtica consists in promoting research and advanced training in mathematics through collaboration and synergies with Catalan universities and research institutions in an internationalization framework.
The specific aims of the Centre de Recerca Matemàtica include to carry out research projects; to organize International Thematic Research Programs based on hosting long stays of prominent mathematicians in the CRM and developing activities and specialization courses with the aims of bringing young researchers into contact with senior researchers from around the world, and helping establishing new collaborations as well as training in new subjects; to disseminate research results by organizing lectures, seminars, conferences and other scientific meetings and by bringing out specialized publications and finally to promote collaboration with other university and research institutions.
The main activitities to which the CRM is devoted are:
  • Research in Mathematics oriented to the Applications (see
  • Organization of International Thematic Research Programs and training activities
  • Knowledge Transfer specially in the area of Artificial Inteligence and Statistics
  • Outreach

The Centre International de Mathématiques Pures et Appliquées (CIMPA), founded in France in 1978, is a nonprofit organization that promotes research in Mathematics in developing countries. Located in Nice, it is a UNESCO Category 2 centre and is part of the Laboratoire d'Excellence CARMIN (Centres d'Accueil et de Rencontres Mathématiques Internationales). It benefits from the financial support of France, Germany, Norway, Spain and Switzerland.
CIMPA co-organizes and sponsors numerous activities in developing countries, in all continents. Each activity is funded through a process of calls for proposals in one of the following categories: CIMPA Schools, CIMPA Courses, CIMPA Fellowships and CIMPA - ICTP Research in Pairs program.

Situated right at the heart of the Parc des Calanques, a famous nature reserve in the South of France, the aim of the CIRM is to welcome researchers from around the world. Scientists can work together, exchange ideas, share their knowledge and advance the key issues of our discipline. They can also develop ambitious projects with the other sciences and pass on their knowledge and findings to young researchers and doctoral students.
A particular feature of CIRM is that it is a residential centre. At CIRM, a resident researcher lives in total immersion in his/ her group, sleeping, eating and working in this one place. We believe that this proximity is very conducive to fruitful exchanges. With CIRM’s administrative and residential teams taking care of their needs, researchers can focus exclusively on their own scientific projects. Our aim is indeed to combine excellence in science with a quality venue.
CIRM is jointly managed by the Société Mathématique de France (SMF), the Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS) and Aix-Marseille Université.
CIRM was created forty years ago as one of the first centres for worldwide scientific meetings in mathematics. The centre is a key establishment in the renowned French School of Mathematics. Its international Scientific Committee ensures that the best quality is reached in terms of conferences and other research events organized, the aim being to maintain the highest level of research combined with the best residential facilities.
CIRM is a key partner in two Laboratoires d’Excellence (governmental initiatives launched to promote excellence in French research): Labex CARMIN* at a national level, and ARCHIMEDE Institute at the local level. CIRM also created the Jean-Morlet Chair programme in 2013 with the aim of welcoming foreign researchers in residence, encouraging collaborations with the local departments and offering top quality international scientific programmes.
Through its participation in those projects, CIRM can develop its scientific aims, be an international player and assert its strategic role and missions.
Building on its success, CIRM welcomed over 4,700 participants in 2019, thanks to additional hosting capacities. Most events occurring at CIRM last roughly for a week and in response to the pandemic that hit the world in 2020, CIRM was able to adapt and accelerate its digital transformation by setting up virtual and hybrid conferences in all rooms so that science may continue to develop and be transmitted.
In 2023 the Cirm wishes to strengthen its links with other Ercom centers in Europe by launching the "Fortnight Stays" program: Fortnight Stay would allow a pair to be hosted during a one-week scientific event at the Cirm and to extend their stay by a week, either at the Cirm or in a partner center in Europe.

The De Giorgi Mathematics Research Center was established at the end of 2001 by the Scuola Normale Superiore, with the character of an inter-university center for Mathematics connecting the three academic institutions of Pisa: University of Pisa, Scuola di Studi Superiore Sant'Anna and Scuola Normale Superiore.
The main thematic research areas are: Algebraic Geometry, Number Theory, Topology, Differential Geometry, Geometric Analysis, Partial Differential Equations, Probability, Numerical Analysis, Financial Mathematics and Dynamical Systems. In particular, the Centre has concentrated its efforts into the deepening and experimenting of research, and into the dissemination of the research achievements in the various fields of mathematics – particularly in an interdisciplinary frame ranging from Computer Science to Artificial Intelligence, from Economics to Finance, from Physics and Biology to Medicine – through the organization of scientific initiatives such as intensive periods, workshops and schools.
Of notable relevance is the visiting program called “research in pairs” that offers small groups of researchers of two-to-four persons, for short periods ranging from two to three weeks, office space and the facilities of the Centre as a venue for meetings aimed at the advancement or completion of specific research projects already underway, or at the accomplishment of papers for publication.
In addition to attracting young researchers, also from emerging Countries, the Center offers two-year research contracts, called Junior Visiting Positions (JVP), to junior mathematicians with a recent PhD degree.

CIM (International Center for Mathematics) is a not-for-profit, privately-run association that aims at developing and promoting research in Mathematics.
At present CIM has twenty one associates, including three Portuguese Universities, fourteen Research Centres in the Mathematical Sciences, one Institute, and three national scientific societies.
CIM is responsible for two scientific publications, which are constantly open to the community for contributions:
  • Series in Mathematical Sciences by Springer
  • CIM Bulletin
The main activities of CIM include sponsoring events, organizing lectures for the community, and awarding the CIM Medal:
  • Events sponsored by CIM
  • Pedro Nunes Lectures
  • CIM Medals

Centrum Wiskunde & Informatica (CWI) serves as the Dutch national research institute for mathematics and computer science. By creating a synergy between those fields, CWI pursues fundamental and long-term innovation.
CWI’s mission is to conduct pioneering research in mathematics and computer science, generate new knowledge in these fields and convey it to industry and society at large. By creating a synergy between mathematics and computer science, we pursue fundamental and long-term innovation.
Research spearheads : Algorithms, Cryptography and Security, Data and Intelligent Systems, Quantum Computing.
Part of CWI’s national role is hosting seminars, semester programmes, sabbaticals and internships in the fields of mathematics and computer science, bringing together researchers from CWI and university staff.

The Erwin Schrödinger Institute, founded in 1993 and part of the University of Vienna since 2011, is dedicated to the advancement of scholarly research in all areas of mathematics and physics and, in particular, to the promotion of exchange between these disciplines. The Institute provides a place for focused collaborative research and interweaves leading international scholars, both in mathematics and physics, with the local scientific community.
The ESI runs the following programs:
  • Thematic programs (4-12 weeks)
  • Workshops (1-2 weeks)
  • Junior Research Fellow Program for graduate students and postdocs (1-4 months)
  • Senior Research Fellow Program for established researchers (1-4 months)
  • Research in Teams Program for collaborative work of 2-4 researcher (1-4 months)
  • Summer/winter schools (1-2 weeks)

Eurandom is the workshop centre, based at the Department of Mathematics and Computer Science, TU/e.
The mission of Eurandom is to foster research in the stochastic sciences and their applications. This mission is achieved by an extensive workshop and visitor program. Each year workshops in various areas of stochastics (statistics, probability theory and stochastic operations research) are organized; visitors collaborate with Eindhoven and/or Dutch colleagues. Important assets are the series of workshops for and by young researchers: YESP (Young European Stochastic Professionals).

The FIM (Institute for Mathematical Research) at ETH Zürich is an institute dedicated to research in all its varieties. It is a small institute in terms of staff (one director and two administrative positions) and is physically embedded within the Department of Mathematics in the main building of ETH Zurich. 30 working spaces and an independent budget serve as the basis of the Institute.
This structure enables the FIM to host about 200 guests per year, ranging from short term visits of one or two days to long term stays of up to one year. With the Hermann-Weyl-Instructorship programme we finance about 12 postdoc positions in all areas of mathematics. Furthermore, the FIM organizes scientific activities such as conferences, minicourses, lectures, and advanced graduate courses

The Fraunhofer ITWM is one of the largest mathematical research institutes worldwide. Like all Fraunhofer institutes, it works closely with industry to solve real-world problems and develop optimized solutions for industrial partners in selected lead markets. These include plant and mechanical engineering, digital economy, energy, health, mobility and chemistry.
The institute is a member of the Fraunhofer competence network Quantum Computing, develops software and hardware for Next Generation Computing and uses machine learning methods in many projects. Proof of the optimal networking at the location is the High Performance Center "Simulation and Software-based Innovation", which is closely connected to the ITWM.

Located in central Paris in heritage buildings from the 1920s, the Institut Henri Poincaré (IHP) organizes and hosts various international research programs including three-month long programs, shorter ones, research in pairs, one-week workshops, big conferences, advanced courses, seminars, and visitors’ programs like the Chaire Poincaré. The scope covers mathematics and applications, theoretical physics and related fields.
IHP is endowed with a rich library, which preserves, develops and makes available to the public large collections of monographs, textbooks and journals in mathematics, theoretical physics, and history and philosophy of science.
It has also developed a number of outreach activities, including exhibitions and documentary films, which are now coordinated by a dedicated department called Maison Poincaré. This is also the name of a maths museum that we will inaugurate in 2023.
IHP is a welcoming home for mathematicians and physicists, who often drop by to meet each other. In addition, it hosts foundations and associations, and the main French learned societies in mathematics and physics. Its supervisory institutions are CNRS and Sorbonne Université.

Research programs
  • Hybrid event with 30 on-site participants and up to 120 online participants
  • September to December or January to April
  • Weekly formal seminars, hybrid using IML Zoom room
  • Seminars live streamed, recorded, and available on homepage and in IML app
  • Informal seminars, twice a week, hybrid using IML Zoom room
  • Free accommodation (travel expenses covered by IML for junior fellows)
  • June to July
  • One week hybrid conferences, 30 on-site participants, up to 120 online participants
  • Seminars Monday to Friday
  • Seminars live streamed, recorded, and available in the IML app
  • Free accommodation and meals
  • Swedish Research Council
  • Private foundations (Knut and Alice Wallenberg Foundation, Verg Foundation, ACTA Mathematica Foundation, Crafoord Foundation, GS Magnuson Foundation)
  • • Seminar Zoom room (seminar hall) equipped with AV-technology to stream, record and publish seminars online.
  • Project management tool (Projectplace) - facilitate the communication with organizers.
  • IML app - facilitate the interaction with and between program participants.
  • Accommodations (30 apartments with kitchen and bathroom)
  • Dining hall
  • Office spaces and common areas

The Institut des Hautes Études Scientifiques (IHES) was created in 1958 and since then, it has become a reference point for the international scientific community. IHES is a private research center dedicated to mathematics, theoretical physics and all related disciplines, at the highest level. It offers exceptional scientists a place where they can devote entirely to their research, without any obligation of teaching or administrative tasks. It has a restricted number of permanent professors in mathematics and theoretical physics, scientific leaders who have won top awards in their fields. Each year, IHES welcomes around 200 scientists from all over the world for research visits.
It is a member of Université Paris-Saclay, ranked #1 worldwide in mathematics by the Academic Ranking of World Universities. IHES as an institution has had the legal status of a foundation in the public interest since 1981.

The Institute of Mathematics of the Czech Academy of Sciences is a leading research institution in mathematics in the Czech Republic. Its principal mission is to perform and support fundamental research in mathematics and its applications and to provide the necessary infrastructure for research. The Institute contributes to raising the level of knowledge and education and to utilizing the results of scientific research in practice.
The Institute of Mathematics cultivates the traditional branches of mathematics which Czech mathematicians are famous for, namely the mathematical analysis (differential equations, numerical analysis, functional and abstract analysis), mathematical physics, mathematical logic, complexity theory, combinatorics, set theory, numerical linear algebra, general and algebraic topology, optimisation and control, and algebraic and differential geometry.
The Institute employs over 90 researchers, postdocs, and PhD students. They are organized in five research departments. In cooperation with Czech universities, the Institute carries out doctoral study programmes and provides training for young scientists. The Institute promotes international cooperation, including the organisation of joint research projects with foreign partners, organization of international scientific meetings, conferences, and seminars.

The ICMAT is a leading international joint research center participated by the Spanish National Research Council (CSIC) and three Madrid universities (Autónoma, Carlos III and Complutense).
The center was created in October 2007 and relocated in September 2010 to a new building with truly outstanding facilities for mathematical research in the UAM campus in Madrid.
The ICMAT has become an internationally leading center in mathematical sciences by conducting research of the highest quality, providing internationally competitive graduate and post-doctoral training, stimulating interdisciplinary research and mathematical knowledge transfer, organizing international events at a preeminent level and developing outreach activities. The ICMAT conducts research in all branches of mathematics with the support of over 50 affiliated permanent researchers, over 40 postdocs, 50 PhD students and 10 administrative staff. The ICMAT participates in the doctoral and master programs of its constituent universities.
In 2020, the ICMAT was awarded its third consecutive Severo Ochoa Excellence award, funded by the Spanish Ministry of Science; previous awards were obtained in 2011 and 2015.

Edinburgh UK ICMS stimulates and promotes the mathematical sciences through diverse international workshops and conferences. Our vibrant events programme attracts leading mathematical scientists from the UK and internationally - connecting mathematical communities across the world.
As a response to COVID, we are now experienced in organising and hosting virtual events, alongside in-person ones.
In addition to workshops, ICMS manages a number of other mathematical activities, such as our very popular Research-in-Groups programme; an extensive knowledge exchange programme; public engagement; and by giving administrative support to a number of mathematical groups.

The Isaac Newton Institute is a national and international visitor research institute. It runs research programmes on selected themes in mathematics and the mathematical sciences with applications over a wide range of science and technology. It attracts leading mathematical scientists from the UK and overseas to interact in research over an extended period.
INI has a vital national role, building on many strengths that already exist in UK universities, aiming to generate a new vitality through stimulating and nurturing research throughout the country. During each scientific programme new collaborations are made and ideas and expertise are exchanged and catalysed through lectures, seminars and informal interaction, which the INI building has been designed specifically to encourage.
For INI’s knowledge exchange arm, please see the Newton Gateway to Mathematics.

IMBM is a center of research in diverse aspects of mathematics and its applications. The center aims to create an environment which encourages interaction of researchers by providing adequate space, time and services. One of the aims is to promote interdisciplinary research based on mathematics.
Although independently administrated, particular collaborative ties exist with the Boğaziçi University where the center is located.
The center has no formal curriculum, degree programs. Nevertheless, it aims to contribute to the development of young scientists through graduate seminars and postdoctoral training. Also, one of its purposes is to raise the public awareness for mathematical research.
Resources come from endowment income, grants and collaboration agreements with public and private institutions and gifts from corporations and individuals. Funding for researchers is provided from a variety of sources such as the center itself, home institutions or grants from collaborating research centers and universities.
IMBM is governed administratively by two committees.

Founded in 1939, INdAM, the Istituto Nazionale di Alta Matematica “Francesco Severi” (National Institute for Advanced Mathematics), is the Italian National Mathematics Research Institute, a self- governing state research whose legal status is regulated by a national law under the supervision of MUR (Ministry of University and Research) which audits INdAM with periodic evaluations.

As stated by the institutive law, the Mission of INdAM is
  • To develop research in pure and applied mathematics, especially in the emerging branches, and to foster the transfer of knowledge to technological applications
  • To promote the training of researchers in mathematics, at national, international, in particular to supplement the training potential of the Italian universities
  • To further close and sustained contact between Italian and international mathematical research, by participating in programs within the framework of the European Union.
Most research activities of INdAM are carried out by the 4 National Research Groups, assembling over 3600 researchers (including early stage and advanced fellows) from universities, public and private Research Centers. The structure is articulated in Local Research Units present in over 60 Universities and Research Centers all over the country.

The Groups carry out the following activities:
  • Research projects
  • Visiting Professors programs
  • Organization of (and participation in) meetings organized by their members - Funding Missions abroad for their members and fellows.
The Institute organizes directly Workshops in Rome and Meetings in Cortona (at least 10 per year), Intensive Periods (2 months events, at least 1 per year) and it has a Program of Visiting Professors for Doctoral Schools.
INdAM participates directly in 4 doctoral Schools and has programs for post-doctoral researchers. The Institute has many collaborations with national and international Institutions. INdAM presently runs joint initiatives with INSMI-CNRS, the Simons Laufer Mathematical Sciences Institute-MSRI (Berkeley), ICTP, CIME, CIRM (Trento), RISM.

RICAM was founded in 2003 by Heinz Engl, who is now acting as the Rector of the University of Vienna, with the goal of establishing an internationally visible and successful research institute in applied mathematics.
Since then, RICAM has carried out basic research in computational and applied mathematics according to highest international standards and has emphasized interdisciplinary cooperation between its workgroups and with institutions with similar scope and universities around the globe. The researchers also cooperate with other disciplines, in particular within the framework of Special Semesters.
One of the institute’s goals is to support young scientists. Indeed, the positions at the institute are usually for PhD students and PostDocs, and most of the staff are young scientists who are in a stage of their career between the very beginning of their doctorate and the step to obtaining a permanent position. The leaders of the work groups are typically university professors in Austrian universities. Through its position as the biggest mathematical non-university institute in Austria, through its work, and by public outreach, RICAM promotes the role of mathematics in science, industry, and society.

Main activities:
  • Conferences and workshops
  • Thematic programs (1-3 month long)
  • Visitor program (short-term and long-term)
  • Graduate student and postdoc programs Scientific

The Lie-Størmer Center, located in the city of Tromsø, Norway, at 69˚north above the polar circle is a collaborative initiative between the Universities of Tromsø and Bergen, but serves as a national nucleus for mathematicians throughout Norway. It combines research and teaching activities and welcomes international visitors to the world’s northernmost mathematics institute.

The centre is named after Sophus Lie and Carl Størmer, pioneers who bridged the realms of pure and computational mathematics. Lie, renowned for his work in differential equations and continuous symmetry, and Størmer, famed for his contributions to number theory and computational geophysics. The research of the centre is situated in the interplay between pure and computational mathematics. Embodying this synergy, the focus is on exploring fundamental mathematical structures and their critical role in computational challenges with a goal to unify and advance the frontiers of research in computational and pure mathematics. In addition to its research ambitions, the Lie-Størmer Center is a vital contributor to Norway's educational landscape. It offers specialised master’s and PhD courses, featuring the insights of international experts. These programs are designed not just to impart knowledge, but to inspire a new generation of mathematicians to follow in the footsteps of Lie and Størmer, blending theoretical acumen with computational expertise.

The Mathematical Institute of the Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts is a unique center for pure and applied mathematically oriented research in Serbia. The Institute employs more than 75 researchers organized into three departments: Mathematics, Computer Science, and Mechanics. These researchers work across three locations in the largest Serbian cities: Belgrade, Novi Sad and Niš.
The Institute's mission statement is focused on fostering mathematically oriented research, coordinating mathematical resources in Serbia by providing research infrastructure, improving communication among groups with similar scientific interests, managing various scientific and expert training programs through regular and occasional seminars and conferences, participating in international collaborations, supporting the education of exceptionally talented young individuals, publishing scientific journals and monographs, and promoting and disseminating mathematical sciences. Currently, the Institute, in collaboration with Serbian universities in Novi Sad, Niš, Kragujevac and Novi Pazar, organizes a joint doctoral school in mathematics.

The Mathematisches Forschungsinstitut Oberwolfach (MFO, Oberwolfach Research Institute for Mathematics) is an international research centre situated in the German Black Forest.
Per year, more than 2500 scientists from all over the world - leading experts in their field - meet at the Institute in order to pursue their research activities, to discuss recent developments with others, and to generate new ideas. The research programs focus on short but intense periods of personal cooperation, with ideal conditions under which to pursue research activities. The Institute is a member of the Leibniz Association and is funded jointly by the German federal government and the state governments.

The Max Planck Institute for Mathematics is one of the nearly ninety research institutes of the Max Planck Society. The institute was founded in 1980 by Prof. Friedrich Hirzebruch, who directed it until his retirement in 1995.
The institute is led by a board of directors consisting of Gerd Faltings, Dennis Gaitsgory, Peter Scholze and Peter Teichner. Peter Scholze is the current managing director. They are joined by Stavros Garoufalidis, Sergei Gukov, Stefan Müller, and Werner Nahm, as external scientific members and emeritus directors Werner Ballmann, Günter Harder, Yuri Manin and Don Zagier, as retired scientific members of the institute.
The institute is primarily a guest institute, with the guests being selected on basis of mathematical merit. The duration of the stay various greatly from one week (usually to work with a longer term visitor), to several years. A postdoc will usually stay for at least one year. There are also several group leaders, who can stay up to 7 years. Further, there is also a small PhD program, with usually about 20 PhD students.
The principal aim is to stimulate discussion and exchange of ideas within the mathematics community. In this also cooperation with the University of Bonn plays an important role. Visitors can for example teach at the University of Bonn.
Beyond the visiting program, there are usually several conferences or activities organized.
The working areas are: Algebraic Groups, Arithmetic Geometry, Number Theory, Representation Theory, Algebraic and Complex Geometry, Differential Geometry and Topology, Algebraic Topology, Global Analysis, Non-Commutative Geometry, Dynamical Systems and Mathematical Physics.
The research is supported by the library, the administration and the computer group.

MPI MiS is an internationally leading research center for applied mathematics. The research focuses on many areas of physics (material science, micro- and nanostructures, fluid dynamics, magnetism, theoretical high energy physics), scientific computing (multigrid methods, tensor decompositions, quantum chemistry), applied algebra (algebraic statistics, optimization, life sciences), and complex systems (information theory, nonlinear dynamics, network analysis, machine learning, game theory and economic models). It runs an extensive guest program with many distinguished international visitors and a very active PhD program in cooperation with Leipzig University. In addition, many conferences and workshops are organized at MPI MiS.

An academic institute devoted to mathematical research has existed in different forms in Romania since 1949. The current form of the institute has been founded in1990, by a Government Decision, as an institution subordinated to the Romanian Academy. It has been given the name of its founder, the famous Romanian mathematician Simion Stoilow, in 1999. There are 120 researchers with permanent positions at IMAR and a number of temporary research positions are supported by national research grants.
The main purpose of the institute is to represent a centre of excellence in mathematical sciences. The research activity covers a broad area of mathematical sciences. IMAR activities include:
  • An intensive program of bilateral and multilateral cooperations, as well as the yearly organization of several international meetings.
  • Invited positions at IMAR at different levels (professor scholarships, postdoctoral and junior researcher fellowships), with the kind support of the IT company Bitdefender.
  • Activities in the framework of the Francophone Centre in Mathematics in Bucharest, in partnership with the Universitary Agency of the Francophony (AUF) and the Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science of the University of Bucharest.
  • Research in Pairs, a program launched in 2022 in cooperation with the University Politehnica of Bucharest, aiming to bring to Bucharest small groups of researchers from various countries.
  • Publication (in cooperation) of three main Romanian mathematical journals: Journal of Operator Theory, Mathematical Reports, and Revue Roumaine de Mathématiques Pures et Appliquées.

The SwissMAP Research Station (SRS) is based in Les Diablerets (VD), Switzerland, and offers international topical conferences and targeted workshops in the fields of mathematics and theoretical physics. The SRS aims at promoting collaboration between the different fields of mathematics and physics as well as between Swiss universities but is also open to other theoretical sciences through jointly organized events. The classic conference format welcomes up to 60 participants in the SRS facilities, but larger events can be organized upon request.
The SRS opened in January 2021 and currently organizes 14 to 18 events per year in Les Diablerets.

Founded in 1964 by the late Nobel Laureate Abdus Salam, ICTP operates under the agreement between the Italian Government, the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), and the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO). ICTP is a UNESCO Category 1 Institute.
The Mathematics Section at ICTP conducts research with the highest international standards and develops high-level scientific programmes aimed to advance scientific expertise in the developing world. The Section's research groups, coordinated by the permanent member of the Section, focus their interests in a broad spectrum of pure mathematics and mathematical physics. ICTP runs various training and research oriented programmes targeted to scientists from developing countries, most notably:
  • the Diploma (a Master-1 level pre-PhD 1 year course) and PhD (with SISSA in Trieste and Sandwich STEP at ICTP) Programmes;
  • the Associates Programme, for periodic long-term academic visits in Trieste for junior and senior faculty;
  • Research in Pairs programmes (in Italy with INDAM, and more broadly in various European countries with CIMPA);
  • Schools and Conferences as international forum of scientific contact for scientists from all countries.

The ENI is an institute dedicated to encourage international scientific collaboration through workshops, conference, scientists individual visits, distinguished lecture series, publishing conference proceedings and postdoctoral program.
We put an emphasis on algebra, geometry and function theory and on relationship with German scientists (the ENI was originally established by the Minerva foundation of the MPS) .

The Weierstrass Institute conducts project-oriented mathematical research for the solution of complex application-driven problems in technology, science and business. The research of the Institute tightly combines analysis and stochastics, and is done in close cooperation with partners from science and industry. This comprehensive approach represents one of the key strengths of the Institute.
The WIAS contributes to solving some of the grand challenges currently faced by our society. These include the optimal and sustainable use of energy, advancing medical technology, identifying of new materials, and fostering technological innovation.
The Institute has a strong focus on statistics, stochastics, partial differential equations, and optimization, on the mathematically consistent modeling of real-world phenomena as well as on the design and implementation of numerical algorithms and the development of scientific software.

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