Provider Identification

The following provides mandatory data concerning the provider of this Website, obligations with regard to data protection, as well as other important legal references involving the Internet site of the ERCOM (European Research Centres on Mathematics, as required by German law.


The provider of this Internet site within the legal meaning of the term is the registered association Max Planck Society for the Advancement of Science e.V. (who hosts this site).


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80539 München
Telefon: +49 (89) 2108 - 0

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The Max Planck Society is registered in the Official Register of Societies and Associations at Berlin-Charlottenburg Local Court under the register number VR 13378 B.

Legal Representation

The Max Planck Society is legally represented by its Board of Directors which, in turn, is represented by the President of the Society, Prof. Dr. Patrick Cramer and by Secretary General Simone Schwanitz.

Value Added Tax Identification Number

The value added tax identification number of the Max Planck Society is DE 129517720.


Responsible editors for the contents of the Internet site of the ERCOM (European Research Centres on Mathematics, with regard to media law:

Rainer Kleinrensing
Max-Planck-Institut für Mathematik in den Naturwissenschaften
Inselstr. 22
04103 Leipzig
Telefon: (+49) 341 - 9959 - 608

Legal Structure

The ERCOM (European Research Centres on Mathematics, is an European Mathematical Society (EMS) committee.

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To the extent that parts of this Internet site are offered in languages other than German, this represents a service exclusively for the reader who are not proficient in German.

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