ERCOM is an European Mathematical Society (EMS)
committee consisting of Scientific Directors and Administrators of European Research Centres
in the Mathematical Sciences, or their chosen representatives. Only European centres which are institutional
members of the EMS, predominantly research oriented, with an international scientific board and a large
international visiting programme, covering a broad area of the Mathematical Sciences are eligible for
representation in ERCOM. The eligibility of centres is decided by the EMS Executive Committee after
consultations with ERCOM.
ERCOM aims to contribute to the unity of Mathematics, from fundamentals to applications.
The purposes of ERCOM are:
The Chair of ERCOM is nominated by the committee and approved by the Executive Committee of the EMS. The
Chair of ERCOM proposes a Vice-Chair who is nominated by ERCOM and approved by the EMS. The terms of office
for each are four years, with the possibility of re-appointment for another two-year period. The Executive
Committee of the EMS appoints a Delegate to act as bridge between this committee and ERCOM.
The Committee meets at least once annually.
The research centres cover the expenses of ERCOM.